The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Adjara


The President of Georgia visited Adjara regarding the 4th anniversary of Adjara revolution today and instead of attending the grand events he preferred to meet the local population. The President spoke extensively about employment problems and about the necessity of holding fair elections. Social projects, the employment of population and Adjara development - these are the priorities, which Mikheil Saakashvili nominated and according to his speech, the execution of these projects are possible only by means of hard work.

"Soon Batumi will be more beautiful and more developed than Sochi. In a year and a half Batumi will become a city were almost 100% of people would have jobs like - in Rustavi, Kutaisi and Poti. People often say that it was not necessary to make the city beautiful, the streets lit, constructions going on, renovation of the boulevard, but first of all we should have to do it to attract investors to let them enjoy working with us and create more jobs. Our aim is to bring each foreigner for at least an hour to Batumi, not for having fun or drinking coffee in the boulevard, but to make him or her think about investing in Georgia. This is how commercial centers are created; this is how the construction of Sheraton started; this is how pharmaceutical factory and chocolate factory developed. Now our plan is to build a factory producing buses ", stated Mikheil Saakshvili.

The residents of Batumi actively participated in the conversation saying that creating jobs is the biggest problem for the people living in Batumi. A young lady addressed the President and said that a teacher, mother of two children in the age of 40 had absolutely lost a hope to get a job, because she is considered old for the job. The lady at the same time noted that a lot was done and progress is evident, though the problem of jobs is still worrying her a lot.

"I know that this problem exists, and no one has the right to reject a person because of his age. I was in Zestaponi several days ago and after 15 years I met 77 year-old-man director of reconstructed "Sakkabeli" who had been appointed on that position. You have to see how enthusiastically this man works and young people try to take after him, it will take them 20-30 years to reach his professional level. I was in Kachreti not long ago and I know that almost 70 years old farmer implemented a new technology and brings interns even from Africa. Your profession is a teacher and we need far more teachers, to diversify the teaching process in Georgia. I have mentioned that we have serious problems in the sphere of education, because a lot of subjects are not taught any longer and a lot of professions do not exist any more. There does not exist stimulus for children and teachers, which is most important. We have demographic problems in Georgia, so each person means a lot for our country, regardless of their age. The people of our age are representatives of the last generation, who have high level of education and qualification".

After meeting the local population Mikheil Saakashvili attended the events that had been planned before. One of the most important events took place on Kutaisi Street where together with the majority candidate Temur Charkviani the President symbolically started the rehabilitation works of a new water pipe. This is a 6-year project, and after its completion the whole sewage system, running water systems and underground communications will be changed. This is one of the top problems for the residents of Batumi.

When this project finishes, for the first time in the history of Batumi there will be a 24-hour regime of water supply. We have money and resources are mobilized, in old Batumi the system was built 120 years ago and nothing has changed since then", noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

From Batumi the President of Georgia went to Kobuleti, where he symbolically opened tea factory, where tens of people are already employed.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke about the incident connected with the majority candidate from Tsageri and said that it's a matter of dignity for him to hold fair and democratic elections in Georgia. He said that this should be a warning for everyone.

"The majority candidate decided to put some pressure on the local government bodies and he did it after several days when I strictly warned every public person not to intrude in the election process, not to stand by any candidate and give people the right to make an independent choice. I think everyone must realize that I never joke when I speak about issues like this. Free and fair elections are a matter of dignity for us; and every person who will interfere in this process, will appear in court. This candidate decided to remove his candidature, but I had already made a decision, I already told the leadership of the party about my decision and they agreed to fully investigate this case. I will once again say to make it clear: nobody has the right to spoil the process; nobody can attempt to intrude illegally into the election process. Free elections are the matter of Georgia's national security and long-term perspective of the country. We will safeguard this, in order to give Georgia bright future. This is my appeal, request and warning", stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia