The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the teachers


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the teachers in the teachers' house in Tskneti today. The meeting was organized by "teachers and scholars free trade unions". The Minister of Education attended the meeting as well. The Chairman of "teachers and scholars free trade union" Manana Gurchumelidze expressed her gratitude to the President and said that a lot has been done for teachers with the initiative of the President in the last few months. One year contracts were annulled, teachers can get the state insurance, teachers now are paid for their 40 day holydays and a contemporary, high quality, financed new system for teacher's qualification was developed.

The President of Georgia expressed his gratitude to teachers and noted that schools and education is the priority for him. He said that 75 million GEL was issued for reconstruction of schools. For the rehabilitation of the University 12 million GEL was issued and 200 million GEL will be spent on "knowledge city" construction.

Besides this the program "a deer jump" was financed with 16 million GEL. This program envisages establishment of internet network in the whole country and equipping every school in Georgia with computers. The President said that 1.5 million GEL was issued for the construction of sport grounds in schools. Next year this amount will be increased.

The President said that the process of increasing the minimal salary started, he also noted that the 13th salary will be restored.

He tasked the Minister of Education to give free insurance vouchers to the teachers.

"It is necessary to create general motivation right system for teachers. As you all know we will issue 13th pay this June, it is very important for teachers... It is also very important to annul school licenses, because this license was an additional difficulty for schools", stated the President.

The teachers spoke about the problems existing in the sphere of education and presented a four-year action plan to the President created by them. The President believes that it is very critical to meet those teachers who want to implement changes in the system and with those who are against these changes.

"We live in the same country, we do one job, we are the patriots of our country and it is impossible to have some issues that patriots can not agree upon. If the educated generation is not raised in Georgia, Georgia will not exist, we will not have any future and perspectives, we will not have our place in the world society and neither Georgians will have prosperity", stated the President of Georgia.

The President spoke about the pupils who win the Olympics at schools, he said that these children and their teachers will be given incentives, and it is very important because this is how the education is stimulated.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia