The President of Georgia went to 19th election district together with his wife Sandra Rulofes to cast a vote


The President of Georgia went to 19th election district together with his wife Sandra Rulofes to cast a vote.

As Mikheil Saakashvili noted everyone should understand that international community, the friends and the enemies of Georgia, are watching the elections in Georgia. He asked all the parties involved to keep discipline and assist in holding elections in a quiet atmosphere.

As he said holding elections in a quiet atmosphere is a matter of national security and dignity. He once again spoke about his readiness to work with the opposition parties who will overcome the barrier that was lowered from seven to five percents, and this is why there will be some more parties represented in the new parliament.

„ I want to say that this is an important event in the life of my family because just recently Sandra became a citizen of Georgia. Nino Burjanadze granted this privilege to her, when she was acting president. Therefore, this is the first time she is casting a ballot in Georgia since she arrived in Georgia almost 15 years ago.

I want everybody to understand throughout the country that a very great part of the international community is watching closely these elections, including those people, who are our friends and also those people, who wish us bad. Therefore, I want to ask my compatriots to show extreme discipline and calmness in order to disappoint those, who wish us bad and to make happy our friends.

Georgia remains in a very difficult international situation now. Under such a pressure and blackmail holding of an organized and calm elections will be equal to passing an important test by the Georgian democracy, Georgian people and it will be a surprise for the rest of international society, which is watching us.

I want to call on everybody to support international and local observers as much as possible, to cooperate with them, to prevent any violations, because it is the issue of our national security, dignity and future. When you ask me what I think about the elections, my answer is that everything will be fine, I am absolutely confident in this. Luck will be on Georgia's side", stated the President of Georgia.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia