The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili is in Batumi


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili stated in Batumi today that Georgia has international support, because Georgia is really a successful democratic state in this region; democracy is our wealth.

The President said that the most important wealth of our country is democracy.

"Georgian people lead us till here, if we had not been able to overcome November 7 crisis and our North side situation managers would become able to do what they wished, today Georgia would not have support of democratic society any more", noted Mikheil Saakashvili.

He said that our country was facing aggression and it would possibly be disarmed and unsecured.

I want every political force to understand that we may argue and debate, but we should all take care of our country. The fact that the Georgian people managed to hold two elections democratically, the fact that the Georgian people managed to overcome the crisis in a dignified manner, gives us today our major weapon for protection; our major weapon is not tanks and cannons - we can not compare in this regard with those people who threaten us - our major weapon is that we are a democratic and successful state.

Now attempts are underway to discredit this image of Georgia. Last year they had more chances to succeed, but now I think it is already too late.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia