The Minister of Internal Affairs briefed the President of Georgia on ongoing works in assisting the victims of the Russian aggression


The Minister of Internal Affairs briefed the President of Georgia on ongoing works in assisting the victims of the Russian aggression.

As the Minister stated 6220 houses are being built and repaired and the reconstruction will have been finished by December 15. Among these 6220 there are 4489 new houses being built.

"We try to give them a plot of land in the nearby areas. From 6220 houses which are under construction or reconstruction 1000 houses are located in Gori, 2700 in Mtskheta, 356 in the Kareli region, in Kvemo Kartli 784 will be reconstructed, we have bought 86 new flats in Kakheti, and they are being reconstructed now", stated the Minister and added that in Shida Kartli 394 houses are being reconstructed and all these houses are in the possession of the government.

As Vano Merabishvili said not only houses are being constructed and reconstructed, but there are various projects that are carried out such as water system, natural gas system, electricity and the building of the roads.

Mikheil Saakashvili noted that everywhere where the refugees are now, there should exist educational and medical facilities. The President said that IDPs must be given the medical vouchers.

"Besides that these people must be given financial aid, in order to buy cattle and have a chance to carry out agricultural work. The retraining centers must open where the IDPs will learn specific professions and they will be given a chance to be employed. Such employment centers will be in Tserovani and Koda, where they will be trained as builders and accountants, they will learn foreign languages and the computer, the government must not feed them, they will be able to feed themselves. People of all ages will be retrained. I have tasked Kirkitadze and such a center is already being built in Koda", stated the President of Georgia.

As Mikheil Saakashvili stated, the main problem today is to give a lodging to there people before winter sets in and elementary living conditions must be created for them.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia