The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili visited Lithuania


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili finished his official visit in Sweden and departed for Lithuania where President Valdas Adamkus will host him. Before his departure Mikheil Saakashvili met the King of Sweden Karl Gustav the 16th.

President Saakashvili met his counterpart Adamkus face-to-face as soon as he arrived in Vilnius. An issue of six-point agreement was discussed between the Presidents during this meeting. They have discussed EU Mission acting in Georgia and the security issues in former Soviet Union region. Mikheil Saakashvili and Valdas Adamkus have discussed Georgian-Lithuanian relationships as well.

Afterw face-to-face meeting the two Presidents held the press conference. The President of Georgia once again expressed his gratitude to Lithuanian people and noted:

"I want to thank the people of Lithuania for their support and solidarity. I want to thank you personally Mr. President, because I remember you were defending Georgia together with the Georgian nation putting yourself under a real threat."

As the President of Lithuania stated the President of Russia is not completing his obligations. He said that with such actions Russia dishonors not only the President of France, but the whole EU and its other leaders. Valdas Adamkus stated that Lithuania will categorically demand fulfillment of their obligations from Russia during the Brussels conference in November. He has noted that the position of his country has never changed - Lithuania supports Georgia's territorial integrity.

"Sarkozy-Medvedev's six point agreement has not been fulfilled - it dishonors EU and we will ask Russian federation questions about it. Lithuania will categorically demand fulfillment of obligations from Russian Federation. At the same time we are ready to renew our dialogue" - stated the President of Lithuania.

An official reception was held in Ratusha Palace after a while in honor of the President of Georgia. The President of Georgia once again expressed his gratitude to Lithuanian people for their support during the Russian aggression once again.

"When the Russian Empire was attacking us, you were standing beside Georgia. We were strong by that time. There is no force that will ever resist democratic and human values. We have no way to step backwards because we are fighting with real wickedness. This is the worse force, which will never be able to gain a victory. Russia is lead by a man who wants to return Soviet Union. Because of their aggression millions of people were left without housing. Army of occupants named Akhalgori as Leningori and raised a ner Berlin Wall there. You are the people who is able and can create the new history of Europe", stated the President of Georgia during the reception.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia