The Presidents of Georgia and Poland visited the family that suffered during the aggression


The President of Poland Lekh Kachinski visited Tbilisi today. Lekh Kachinsky arrived in Georgia by the invitation of the President of Georgia on the fifth anniversary of the Rose Revolution. He, at the same time, expressed his wish to participate in the solidarity week taking place in Georgia. That's why they went to the village Metekhi, Kaspi region. There they visited new houses specially built for those people who suffered during the Russian intervention. They met these people personally. Lekh Kachinski was hosted in one of the families, where he was offered Georgian wine. The President of Poland blessed the family and wished them to return to their own house.

"I just was at the line, created by the Russians in Akhalgori and I saw the people who do not let you enter your own houses. I want you to know I came here with my friend, the President of Poland, which represents one of the big countries in Europe. Until we are in this conditions and I am sure that this situation is temporary only, we will take good care of you, we will support you materially and give you jobs as well. I understand your pain very well, which you have experienced. I personally suffer three or four times more", stated the President of Georgia.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia