The President of Georgia opened the government session


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili opened renewed government session at the State Chancellery of Georgia. The President of Georgia spoke about recent changes in the government in his speech. The newly appointed Ministers received some specific tasks from the President - coordinated work and more contacts with the society. Mikheil Saakashvili said that the recent reshuffle of the government should bring some positive changes - Georgia will get closer to Europe, the development of the Armed Forces should be directed in the right way and peace should be maintained in Georgia.

" We have agreed with the Prime Minister, that after a certain period of time, we were going to fundamentally reshuffle the government, to transfuse new blood. I think that this was made now in the unprecedented scales. We have many new interesting Ministers.

This will be a very responsible period.

On the background of the world economic crisis, in the process of building democratic institutions and creating jobs, we have to solve some major problems.

New appointments in the cabinet mean that we should get closer to European institutions and to Europe; secure peace in our country and carry out the process of construction and reformation of our armed forces in the right direction.

I am setting several criteria for the government: coordinated work; thorough and in-depth knowledge of issues and constant interaction with our people and our society.

Significant challenges are ahead of us, but we are sure that under conditions of these criteria, we will cope with fulfilling these new tasks in an appropriate way.

I wish you all the success in what you do"; stated the President of Georgia.
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Communications Office
of the President of Georgia