The President of Georgia addressed the society gathered in the center of Kutaisi


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended presentation of rehabilitated part of Kutaisi.

The President of Georgia lightened Christmas Tree for Kutaisi population and addressed them:


I would like to express my emotions because of all these beauty and express my gratitude to all specialist, constructors, workers who participated in this project.

I want to tell them that this project represents for me a project of esthetics.

Kutaisi is the very important center of Georgia.

We all are from Kutaisi.

This type of projects are very important in order to create more jobs, to enhance qualification, to attract investors and then to start up our factories and enterprises, which are not functioning right now.

We all have to hold each others hands and in period of world crises not stop our economic development, employment of people, because the way to Georgian integration falls on our firmness and stabilization.

Not a single engineer would be able to do what you did in these nine months.

Despite economic difficulties, we will not terminate this project. Ten times more will be done here in this city.

We have a lot of work to do ahead.

I want to thank enthusiasts - architects Orbeladze and Ninidze.

I want to thank Zurab Adeishvili - he was the initiator of Sighnaghi development and now he continues with Kutaisi.

I want to thank Chogovadze, its his birthday today.

Several days ago a writer Rezo Cheishvili rebuked me, that Kutaisi was being built in a very fast way, they want to finish very fast - he said.

This road was finally constructed, I want to agree with Rezo Cheishvili that it was done in a very speedy manner, but with high quality.

A year ago I was standing here when I promised you that we would create this magic.

The main magic for me will come when enterprises will start up in Kutaisi, when there will be not any single poor family and a single unemployed person.

We have long way to go and this road is road of reconstruction.

Now I have a very special and honorable duty, but here I see Rusudan Kervalishvili dressed like snow-white and she will lit up Christmas tree for us", stated the President of Georgia.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia