The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended the Security Council session


The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili attended the Security Council session at the President's residence. The main discussion topic was the major aspect of US-Georgian agreement. US-Georgian treaty that envisages strategic partnership between two countries probably will be signed before the end of the year. The newly appointed Ambassador of Georgia in US Batu Kutelia attended the session as well. The President of Georgia gave the Ambassador some specific tasks.

Mikheil Saakashvili spoke on Russia-Georgian relationships as well. He said that dialogue between Russia and Georgia will be restored only if Russia will honor Georgia's territorial integrity.

"We assigned Batu Kutelia as an ambassador in United States, he has the big experience in this sphere. We are preparing to sign strategic partnership treaty with US. Every state, which managed to establish this type of relationship with the world's most powerful state has also managed to secure its stable development and peace in regions where these states are located.

Everything we will do in this regard serves Georgia's unity, Georgia's strengthening, Georgia's stability and peaceful development of Georgia.

"But all types of negotiations with Russia are based on the recognition of the fact that significant part of Georgia's territory is illegally occupied by the Russian Federation and any type of negotiations and any type of agreement should be based on unconditional respect of Georgia's territorial integrity; recognition of Georgia's independence and respect to Georgia's free choice. We are ready to remove all the rest confrontational issues and to be constructive in the negotiations.

"Serious changes in Diplomatic Corps will give us a chance to start working with the new energy. Russia is the only country which unfortunately "killed" the OSCE format. I ask the Security Council of Georgia that was strengthened after Eka Tkeshelashvili got in charge to consolidate all these issues", stated the President of Georgia.

The new Chairman of Security Council Eka Tkeshelashvili attended the session as well.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia