President Saakashvili Reaffirms Support for Human Rights, Transparency and Openness with International Human Rights Organization


President Mikheil Saakashvili met today with senior representatives of Human Rights Watch who recently published a 200-page report on the August 2008 Russian invasion of Georgia.

Confirming his deep commitment to supporting human rights and the rights of the displaced, President Saakashvili stated that "thanks to Human Rights Watch's brave and thorough work, a full picture of grave violations of international humanitarian law committed by Russian forces and South Ossetian militias is now in the public domain. This is extremely important for those citizens of Georgia who still remain displaced and victimized by this historic injustice".

President Saakashvili pledged to continue cooperating with Human Rights Watch and other international human rights organizations reviewing the current situation in Georgia. "We are a vibrant democracy and welcome any efforts that enhance transparency, rule of law and the support and defense of human rights. We look forward to reviewing in detail the findings of Human Rights Watch with regard to Georgia's actions during the conflict."

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia