The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the local businessmen in Kutaisi


By the end of the day the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili met the local businessmen in Kutaisi.

"We have received some very specific effects in the result of several years of reforms, several years of hard work. The crisis is taking place all around the world, investors practically do not exist any more, only very few are left. There is a terrible competition - who will attract money. When we were talking to our partners from Egypt we told them to write us realistic numbers, do not give unrealistic promises. The most conservative number they gave us is 1 billion 200 million US dollars during two years. 1 billion 200 million US dollars investment probably never took place in Kutaisi in entire history. More investments are coming from India. Indians bought two lots. Despite the crisis the economy of India is increasing by 5-6 percent and it gives then investment resources, today industrial zone is developed in Kutaisi, which will employ 5 000 local population in the nearest months and in 1 year. 2-3 thousand people will be hired on the reconstruction site. We have 1 000 jobs in metallurgy. According to our calculations we will create about 20-25 thousand full time jobs in this industrial zone. This is our chance -Georgia should come out of the crises not weakened, not hungry - but strong and firm.

"20 percent of Georgian territory is occupied and this is the biggest tragedy for me, but Georgia has a lot of challenges ahead", stated Mikheil Saakashvili.

The President of Georgia stressed his attention on the NATO summit held several days ago.

"The previous U.S. administration has never made even one half of those statements, which were made this time by President Obama. The previous administration was speaking about excessive use of force; while Obama said: invasion, aggression, occupation. He gave correct names to everything. This is real support", noted the President of Georgia.

The President said that NATO stated that Georgia will enter NATO alliance together with South Ossetia and Abkhazia - this is a support as well.

He said that when a country is successful - everyone wants to be friends with it, this is why all planned projects must be fulfilled - roads, railway, skyscrapers needs to be constructed...

Press Office
of the President of Georgia