The President’s Palace was opened officially


The President's Palace was opened officially. The construction of the residence finished. About 1600 guests were invited to the official opening. The Cathalicos Patriarch of whole Georgia, his Holliness Ilia II, Diplomatic Corps, MPs, government members and representatives of the art sector were presented at the opening.

The Italian architect Michele de Lucce presented the project of the Palace to the guests. This is the very architect who made a project of the President's palace. Mikheil Saakashvili granted him the citizenship of Georgia for his devoted work. After the official part of the ceremony Mikheil Saakashvili took the guests round. It is decided that ancient Bible in miniature will be placed in the main hall. Till that it was kept in the President's study. As Mikheil Saakashvili said five years ago one of the inheritors of the Bagrationi dynasty passed him this Bible in the US.

"Five years ago an elegant lady, one of the members of Bagrationi family passed me a miniature Bible covered with precious stones and performed on the highest level, which belonged to 11th century. She told me that this Bible belongs to us, to Georgia and it should be returned where it belongs. It was kept in my room for five years, because I didn't think it adequate to keep it in the building of the central committee. Now I would like to ask his Holiness to place this bible in the center of the main hall", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia