President Saakashvili’s New Year address


In a few minutes' time we will say goodbye to 2005. The year 2005 has seen many positive changes in our lives. In this period our nation has replaced lawlessness with law, order with chaos, hope and a belief in our own strength for hopelessness, daily energy for inactivity, colour for colourlessness, celebrations for mourning, and building for destruction.

In Georgia, 2005 was also a year of great guests. Never before in history have so many important guests visited Georgia. The world's most important politician [US President George Bush], in Freedom Square, called our country a beacon for humanity. In front of the whole world, it was said that Georgia was making the most important and powerful moments in human history.

In 2005, we and Ukraine founded in Borjomi the Community of Democratic Choice. Within a few months, many European and former Soviet countries joined this community. The aim of this community is the final liberation of the post-imperial world, including, most importantly for us, the final liberation of all Georgia's territory and the restoration of our territorial integrity.

As you will agree, in 2005 there have been many positive changes in the education sector, in the health system, in the army, in maintaining law and order, in the energy sector, and in the construction of infrastructure. I would like to salute those people who through their own idealism and diligence make these positive changes everyday. Our country stands on your decency and professionalism, my friends.

Of course, Georgia is only starting on the road to its great revival. A lot will be determined next year. Our enemy, and I want us to know this, will certainly stage a final battle. It will and is already trying to use every lever it has to throw off course our country's wheel of fate which has been following the right path in recent years. It is thinking day and night how to weaken us from inside and how to prevent Georgia strengthening and uniting. However, no matter how strong this force is, we must not be afraid. We will most certainly be victorious, because we are fighting evil, and in my life and experience, good triumphs over evil.

With the guidance of St George, we will be helped to victory by the force that has always come to save our country when we needed it the most, the force that was beside us two years ago, when the country had almost been completely destroyed, the force that on the second bright St George's Day helped us to free Adjara, the force whose hand covered the grenade in Freedom Square in May, so that it would not explode as the world looked on, the force that will always be with us, although only if we all understand that our strength is in unity, only if we want it with our whole hearts and only if we gather all our resources to strengthen and unite our country.

From Tbilisi, the city of light, I would like to greet every corner of Georgia, people of all ethnic origins living in Georgia, our fellow countrymen abroad, those who are not with their families, those who are on duty, doctors, police officers, soldiers, energy workers, and firemen. I would like to greet the people gathered in our squares, members of the patriotic movement, students, including those who have entered higher education by passing the first transparent national exams. I would like to greet every generation, from our idols, the veteran workers, my grandparents' generation to our youngest dear citizens.

New Year is first and foremost a family celebration. In 2006, this year of rebuilding, I, Sandra, Educha [Eduard] and Nikusha [Nikoloz] wish every family happiness and success.

Happy New Year.

This translation is published with permission from BBC Monitoring, Reading UK

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia