President Saakashvili talks on energy supply issues



Minister of Energy of Georgia has been holding negotiations with the government of Iran these days. We have achieved an agreement with Iran on the supply of natural gas. We will start receiving gas from Sunday but it will be enough only to satisfy our basic needs. Supply of electricity and partially the gas will be restored.

The prices which were reported by the televisions are not true. The price is very favourable for Georgia at this moment.

We are creating mechanisms in order to receive gas and electricity in case similar restrictions [in gas supplies] or similar power interruptions occur.

If everything follows the plan, our objective is to restore the usual pace of life, resume studding process at schools and start normal way of life anew.

I think this is an important breakthrough. Those in Russia should know that Georgia has an alternative.

A strict control has to be established in those cities of Georgia where kerosene is sold at 60 tetri, in order not to allow the speculators benefit from coldness and hardship.

Today, under the order of the minister of defense 1000 soldiers have been mobilized to clear the mostly affected districts of Tbilisi from snow.

We must control the schedule of the electricity supply in the regions. Kutaisi, Adjara and the most part of Guria are supplied with electricity. There are no problems associated with electricity supply in Samegrelo. We should take Imereti region and the east of Georgia into special control.

Social workers should be mobilized in order not to leave people without attention. We should go to every accessible place. Nobody must freeze and be hungry. The Georgian government will pay due attention to these people. The state apparatus should work under military regime.

Movement of buses in all the cities of Georgia should not be limited. All the drivers must know that if they are lazy and don't have a desire to work will be replaced. We will cancel the contract to the owners of those minibuses who will stop working.

These days the Georgian people showed to our ill-wishers that we are a very brave nation. Basically, there are no grumbling and rows in the queues. People give correct comments.

There should not be privileged and less privileged districts. All the districts should be treated equally. We should also distribute equal amount of fuel. We should strictly adhere to this principle.

We should get ready for the resumption of studies at schools in the next week.

I think we have to wait few days. We definitely know what we are doing. People react aptly.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia