President Saakashvili celebrates Adjarian revolution anniversary in Batumi


On May 6 President Mikheil Saakashvili visited Adjara to celebrate the second anniversary of the Adjarian Revolution. 
Initially, the President visited Khelvachauri district where he opened a youth patriotic camp and together with the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian teenagers raised the Georgian national flag. Afterwards, President Saakashvili addressed the young patriots. 

"Opening of the youth patriotic camps serve one major goal - enable you to make friends, to establish the relationships which you will cherish and remember for many years and which you will maintain forever for the good of your country. The most important thing is to prove that we are a united and strong society. Every move which is made against Georgia and which aims at dividing, destroying and frightening Georgia is doomed to failure and those people who have been trying to achieve this in the last several years, months and days will soon believe this. It is symbolic that the first camp has been opened at a place where many of us would have been denied to enter," President Saakashvili said. 

In the camp the President talked with an Armenian boy who studied the Georgian in two years. "This is a new Georgian state, where both the Georgians and the Armenians are the patriots of Georgia and at the same time are devoted to their national culture and history," Mikheil Saakashvili said. 

President Saakashvili also walked along Memed Abashidze Avenue where he met with the public and congratulated them on the second anniversary of the revolution. 

Afterwards, the President attended a ceremony of launching building of a new international airport in Batumi which, according to President Saakashvili, will be finished by January 1, 2007 and will carry out flights in all part of the world. 

"The Batumi new airport is not only an airport but a symbol of a restoration of Adjara, the Georgia's Black Sea cost and the country's economy. This airport is being built in place of the airport built in 1948 and slightly reconstructed in 1974. Batumi will be the first city in the Black Sea cost with modern infrastructure, completely new runways, navigation system, which will fully meet all international standards, with a beautiful, modern, convenient and attractive terminal. This is one of the biggest projects of the Georgian government which is being implemented in Adjara. Today we are closing the Adjara airport in order to open a new airport of a new Georgia, of a new Adjara and of a new Batumi in several months," President Saakashvili said. 

A Turkish government delegation with the leadership of the Turkish State Minister Kursat Tuzmen came to Adjara to attend this event. Both the Georgian and the Turkish parties attach great importance to the building of a new airport. 

Today President Saakashvili will also open a new building of the Adjarian government and a French dancing fountain.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia