The President of Georgia opened the square named after "The Rose Revolution" in Gldani


I greet you!

Here was just a pasture that was the private ground of the former Governor of Gldani and was used for breading of pigs here.

This place was deprived and altered into park that is given to the people residing in Gldani and whole Georgia too. We smartly called the park as the Rose Revolution that put the end to the corrupted system.

Now the government of Georgia is admitted and is controlled by the people.

Today we start local election campaign.

I should say that if till present the central government were responsible for governing of Tbilisi, from October the 5 each Georgian would be charged for governing of per residential settlement. This is quite a new stage.

During the whole year they were speaking Saakashvili canceled the elections of Mayor.

On the 5th of October the people will elect the Mayor, the governor and those people that will govern Georgia. During the whole year they were speaking that if the Election Code remains in force they would boycott the election campaign.

But now there is the long turn of candidates and at the end everything puts in order.

All of you are the citizens of Tbilisi. I want to address no only to the citizens of Tbilisi but of whole Georgia.

Tbilisi never been so beautiful, it is just beginning of everything.

We have never repaired so many schools before, so many places of rest; we had never before such roads, it is also the beginning.

I have a special visit to Gldani. The Tbilisi center never had been so beautiful as now. You know that Tbilisi is not the center, the outskirts of it is also Tbilisi, where the best people live. Georgia is not just Tbilisi and its center, Kutaisi, Lagodehi, Senaki, Shuakhevi Region Ozurgeti, Batumi, Zemo and Kvemo Abkhazia is also Georgia, also Tskhinvali, Java, Zugdidi an all other settled regions.

None of official men visited these regions during the years, they did not care how did the people live, as for present government it is highly interested in your fate.

Georgia is not just the parks, streets, schools and hospitals.

To get the people nice life is our aim. Out of this purpose we started our movement.

It is made just 10% of those plans that should be made in Georgia.

If you want not to let win the cynicism and careless in Georgia do not stay at home on October the 5th, if you want better pensions, better education for our children and future do not stay at home on October the 5th.

They wanted to fall Georgia down by the machine gun that directed to the sky, but they couldn't manage.

We should say to the world that we perfectly carried out the elections.

I hope on your wisdom and ability to think. Georgian people are able to differ the black and white.

I should say to everybody that we have our candidates in the whole of Georgia. Mrs. Nino and I did not come here not as parents that usually accompany their child. But we are the partners of those people that govern Georgia in case of great building process. The dwellers of Gldani that vote for the 5th number vote for Gigi Ugulava, for progress of Georgia and its integration.

Late or earlier progress will start in everywhere and reaches all parts of Georgia.

I would like to continue with the history of this park and the other part of this territory also is somebody's private property. I give the task to Gigi Ugulava to take away this territory from this person, to enlarge the park in three times and to green this territory. To return this territory to the Government tomorrow in the early morning.

Today came thousands of people here. I know perfectly well in advance the results that we will have on the 5th of October. In democratic elections of October 5, 2006 the Georgian people and the idea of building, integration of Georgia and the idea of future will be the winner in which you will take part. Nobody can stop us, nobody can stop our desire to integration of Georgia Nobody can make raise your hand against the very cherished and saint dreams - that is the best and the most happy future of our children.

We express our thankful to the builders of this place!

Thanks to all Georgia!

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia