President Saakashvili appoints Davit Bakradze as new state minister for conflict settlement


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili held a special briefing at the State Chancellery on 20 July to announce the appointment of Davit Bakradze, who had previously served as the chairman of the parliamentary committee for Euro-Atlantic integration, as minister of state for conflict settlement. He replaces Merab Antadze, who was reappointed to his old post as deputy minister of foreign affairs. The following is a transcript of President Saakashvili's remarks at the briefing:

Yesterday we informed the media about a staff change in the post of state minister for conflict settlement. Today I would like to officially announce that Davit Bakradze has replaced Merab Antadze as state minister for conflict settlement. I must say that this is a very important decision for me, as Davit Bakradze is a very important acquisition for the Georgian government. I am confident that he will establish himself and achieve many beneficial results for this country.

I took this decision because he has vast experience working with European structures. His experience in international relations and politics is very important to our efforts to make our actions in the area of conflict resolution more intensive across the board. I think that Davit has done excellent work in parliament and that he has great potential.

At the same time, I want to draw special attention to Merab Antadze's merit before the Georgian government and before the Georgian state in general. Merab Antadze was one of the first Georgian diplomats. At a time when the Georgian state did not exist, Merab was a person who ushered in a wave of professional diplomacy and, effectively, created his own school in this regard.

He has taken part in all negotiations. Had we always followed his advice, we would probably be much better off now. But unfortunately his recommendations have not always been taken into account.

I am glad that a whole group of people has emerged in Georgia who server their country wholeheartedly and with sincere belief. Merab Antadze is a brilliant example of such people. They have the necessary professionalism, patriotism and enthusiasm to serve their homeland. This is truly a great thing and I want to thank Merab Antadze for this.

He will now continue working in important diplomatic posts. There is now a predictable situation in today's government. I want to not only thank Merab Antadze for his contribution to the Georgian state, but also bestow upon him the Medal of Honour as a special acknowledgement of his work.

Thank you!

Such people must be sufficiently appreciated and facilitated. This is very important.

As for the resolution of the conflicts, I want to say that Georgia has drawn up very exact criteria in this regard. This is one of our state's most important goals.

Today we are in a much better situation and have much more resources from the standpoint of economic development and political support and our society is more disciplined and organized and ready to resolve the conflicts.

We must resolve these conflicts through taking into account the interests of all citizens, villages, communities and cities, through creating special conditions for all groups to maintain their cultural identities and through the active involvement of the international community, particularly the EU.

We want very much for Davit Bakradze's appointment to this post to be interpreted as a sign of our readiness to involve the EU more actively in the conflict settlement process and hold a much more intensive dialogue with the Russian Federation.

Georgia is moving to a very important stage in its development and we need to make great efforts to continue this process.

We need to make great efforts to peacefully resolve the existing conflicts and restore Georgia's territorial integrity while unwaveringly defending the rights of all citizens and ethnic groups residing in Georgia, as well as return the people unjustly expelled from parts of Georgian territory back to their homes. These people were deprived of one of their most fundamental rights - the right to live in a protected environment in their own homes.

We will see this endeavour through to the end and we will right those past wrongs.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia