The president of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili and The President of France Nikola Sarkozi held a joint press conference



Ladies and Gentlement, Good evening,

Mr President, I wanted to tell you that I came today as the President of the European Union with Bernard Kouchner, with the intention of promoting peace, in respect of the independence and sovereignty of Georgia. We have spent some time to discuss over these issues with President Saakachvili and his ministers, on the principles of the agreement that we have negotiated with President Medvedev and his PM Vladimir Putin. With the authorization of President Saakchvili I would like to hereby comment on this agreement and on the amendments that we have made to is, and thus in agreement with President Medvedev to whom I have just spoken to twice on the phone this evening since I have arrived in Georgia. As you would understand, it is not up to me to make such modifications without the consent of the Russian parties.

This text is a framework agreement that establishes the (agreed) principles, that engage principles both the Russians and the Georgians, once President Saakachvili give his approval to this agreement. This text will be presented by Bernard Kouchner to the 27 Ministers of Foreign Affairs (including himself) in Brussels, in order to gain support from all EU countries on this and to be mandated by the European Union. This framework agreement of principles would serve as the basis for the preparation of a legislative document for a proposal for an UN Resolution that would be submitted to the Security Council. It is therefore the beginning of a process that would enable, as France would like to wish with all of its hopes, a peace process in this region where we are now.

The first principle: to never have to use force between the different protagonists, and this concerns everybody, the Ossetians, the Abkhaz people, and Georgia as a whole, and the Russians. To cease the hostilities in a definite way, to go from a temporary cease-fire to a definite cease-fire. Third Principle: to give open access to humanitarian aid - Bernard Kouchner would work on proposals on the issue of refugees from these past weeks, an issue that President Saakachvili cares dearly about, an issue on which we, Bernard Kouchner and I, as mediators have to solve. The Georgian military forces will retreat to their initial and usual confinements, as promised by President Saakachvili on this issue; and the Russian military forces would have to retreat behind the initial lines where the first hostilities started, and I hereby insist that here we are talking about South Ossetia, a precision that President Saakachvili has purposely asked me to insist on, and which I here happily oblige; while we are waiting for an international mechanism, the Peace-keeping forces of Russia, why do we call them as such, because it is the denomination given to the Russian army forces prior to the crisis, the army that was established in South Ossetia under international mandate; and what we mean by the retreat of the Russian military forces, we mean by those who arrive after the start of the crisis. The peace-keeping forces of Russia, that is the Russian troops that arrived before the crisis in South Ossetia -- would implement on a temporary basis additional security measures (to enforce Peace). On this paragraph of the additional measures, I would like to precise that it does not mean additional security measures on the entire territory of Georgia. Finally, as point six, here is where the modification really is, as accepted by President Medvedev after the two phone conversations I had with him in presence of Bernard Kouchner, here is to open the international negotiations on the framework for security and stability in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and we hereby retract the expression of "the future status".

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is a framework document, with the principles that would be defined and guaranteed by the Security Council, in agreement with Russia and Georgia. I would like to add, if I may, a few words - you have to understand that in this climate of war in which we are right now, each word is very sensitive: that each side has to make an effort on this, the numerous hours that Bernard Kouchner and I have spent are to contribute to these efforts of mutual understanding. If this text is adopted as it is, it would enable the definite end of the hostilities, I told President Saakchavili that it would not pretend to solve the problems in the region, and all those issues in Georgia that have to do with its territorial integrity [and sovereignty], which seems to be guaranteed by the spirit behind this text. And I here call for all, wherever they are, to respect this letter and the spirit behind it, so that the misplaced and the refugees can regain their homes, so that we end the unnecessary deaths that are happening, so that there is less suffering, that calmly the International Community can bring in answers with aspirations to stability, security and peace. The fact that we are here, with Bernard Kouchner, is meaningful, because it means that Europe does not want to be passive, that Europe wants to express its political willingness, which is what we are doing right now. I would not tell you that this exercise is difficult, as the tensions are so high and for such a long time in this region of the world, and I have found individuals in Moscow and in Tbilissi that are ready to make the efforts towards a peace process, which I think is what really matters. I have no doubt about the fact that there are still numerous hours of negotiation to come, many foreseeable misunderstandings, Bernard Kouchner is getting ready for a long day tomorrow, and if needed I myself would report to the Head of States and Governments who have supported the Presidency in this project, that this is a collective action in which we have engaged ourselves, and I would be very happy if it would also end positively.

Question by a journalit: mr President Sarkozy, you said that Europe would like to hereby express a political willingness, but we have seen that there is not really a united Europe, so my first question is: has it influenced/bothered you in your negotiations, and would that eventually jeopardize in one way or another the agreement that has will be signed tonight?

NS: wait, you have to understand that this agreement only involved those who have accepted it, and it would enable for the preparation of a resolution that would submitted (to the UN Council), which would mean the decision that the Georgian troops would retreat to its initial and usual confinements and that the Russian troops would retreat before the lines where the crisis started. Based on this agreement we would prepare a legislative document whereby each party would engage itself to do it -and here I have the agreement of all the parties concerned, and yes, the technical negotiations will start tomorrow, because the general document for the resolution will be much larger and complete, but will be based on this document. You are saying that Europe is was not united, this I did not feel it as such, there are indeed different sensibilities in Europe, due to the individual history of each of the European nations, but everyone of us want Peace, and everyone has supported our project here, by Bernard Kouchner and myself to go to Moscow and come here, in Georgia, and everyone has been informed about this document that we are negotiating. Indeed in its expression there may be some difference in the sensitivities, but once again, Bernard Kouchner tomorrow will preside the Council of European Ministers on Foreign Affairs, and in my opinion, what would be accepted tonight by President Saakachvili and what has been accepted a few hours ago by President Medvedev, I do not think why and in the name of what any of the European partners that want peace would refuse it, because what would be the other solution? That would be the pursuit of war and the continuation of the conflict, which would not be acceptable, this is what we have been trying to do. Were we influenced in our decision? Absolutely not. I actually would like to say that I can only rejoice at the collective work that has been done in Europe, and I would like even to add another point here, it even concerns our American friends here, they are also aware of the action that we are doing here and in Moscow, and we were aware of the strong positioning that where theirs (US), and we in Europe have acted collectively and in a transparent way towards our partners. Now each party should not expect that the other party make the effort, we all have to make the effort, and the European Union would bring in its support, the battles have to cease and everyone has engaged in making that happen. Now it is before the international community that each has to face one's responsibilities, to face the words that we gave, and the French Presidency is in a way, the witness of this text and the spirit of this agreement, and this is why I allowed myself

to comment on it and to explain the content of our discussions. Voila, I think for all those who are suffering, it is a good news. Now we have to stay alert, and remain focus and most importantly to stay involved. Thank you, and if I may ask, President Saakachvili, it is only more important that I now return to France, even though I know, your Georgian hospitality would be renewed later at a more convenient time for me to visit the Georgian Capital. Once again thank you all.

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Mesdames et Messieurs, Bonsoir,

Monsieur le prsident, je voudrais dire que je suis venu en tant que prsident de l'UE avec Bernard Kouchner, dans le souci de favoriser la paix, le respect de l'indpendance et la souverainet de la Gorgie, et pour cela nous avons discut longuement avec Monsieur le prsident Saakachvili et ses collaborateurs, des principes de l'accord que nous avions dbattus avec le prsident Medvedev et le Premier Ministre Vladimir Poutin. Avec l'autorisation du prsident Saakachvili je vais commenter cet accord et la modification que nous y avons apport, en accord avec le prsident Medvedev que je viens d'avoir deux fois au tlphone ce soir, depuis bien sr que je suis en Gorgie, car naturellement il ne m'appartenait pas d'apporter une modification sans avoir l'accord de la partie russe.

Le texte est donc un texte cadre qui pose les principles qui engage dans ces principes les Russes comme les Gorgiens une fois que le prsident Saakachvili en aura donn son accord, ce texte sera present par Bernard Kouchner aux 27 Ministres des Affaires Etrangres dont lui mme dans une runion Bruxelles pour qu'il soit soutenu et cotionn par l'UE et ce texte de principe accord cadre servira de base la prparation d'un document juridique sous la forme d'une rsolution qui sera depose au Conseil de scurit de l'ONU. C'est donc le dbut d'un processus qui permet, la France espre de toutes ses forces, la paix dans cette rgion ou nous sommes.

Premier principe - ne pas recourir la force entre les differents protagonistes, a concerne tout le monde, les Osstes, les Abkhazes, la Gorgie dans son ensemble, en prenant Osstes et Abkhazes et les Russes.

Cesser les hostilits de faon dfinitive pour passer d'un cesser-le-feu provisoire au cesser-le-feu dfinitif :

Troisime principe - donner libre accs de l'aide humanitaire, Bernard Kouchner aura l'occasion de travailler et de faire des propositions sur la question des refugis de ces dernires semaines, un sujet qui tient coeur du prsident Saakachvili et qu'il m'appartient de prciser dans le rle de mdiation que celui que nous conduisons avec Bernard Kouchner.

Les forces militaires gorgiennes se retireront dans leur lieu habituel de cantonnement, le prsident Saakachvili a bien voulu me donner son accord sur cette disposition.

Les forces militaires russes devront se retirer sur les lignes antrieures au dclenchement des hostilites, je precise qu'il s'agit de l'Ossetie du Sud, c'est une prcision que le prsident Saakachvili souhaitait que j'apporte, je l'apporte bien volontier.

Et dans l'attente d'un mchanisme international, les force de paix russe, pourquoi nous les appelons les force de paix russes ? Parce que c'est la dnomination des forces militaires russes, pralablement la crise installes sous mendat international en Ossetie du Sud quand nous parlons du retrait des forces militaries russes, c'est dire celles qui sont arrives aprs dclenchement de la crise et nous prcisons les forces de paix russes, c'est dire celles qui etaient antrieures la crise en Osstie du Sud, elles mettront en oeuvre titre provisoire des mesures additionnelles de scurit. Ce paragraphe, je veux dire les mesures additionnelles de scutrit ne concernent que l'immdiate proximit de l'Osstie du Sud, il ne s'agit en aucun cas des mesures additionnelles de scurit concernant l'ensembe du territoire gorgien.

Enfin sixieme point, c'est l ou il y a la modification, modification accepte par le prsident Medvedev, au titre des deux discussions tlphoniques que j'ai eu avec lui, en prsence de Bernard Kouchner, ouverture de discussions internationales sur les modalits de scurit et de stabilit en Abkhazie et en Osstie du Sud, nous retirons donc l'expression "le statut future".

Mesdames et Messieurs, ce document est donc un document cadre dont les principes devront tre dclins et garantis par le Conseil de Scurit avec accord de la Russie et de la Gorgie. Je voudrais si tu me le permets, dire deux mots, vous comprenez bien que dans le climat de guerre que celui nous connaissons aujourd'hui chaque mot est sensible, chacun doit faire des efforts, les nombreuses heures que nous avons passes Bernard Kouchner et moi sont au service de ces efforts de comprhension mutuelle. Si ce texte est adopt en l'tat, il permettra donc la cessation dfinitive des hostilits, il ne prtend pas rsoudre, je l'ai dit au prsident Saakachvili tous les problmes de la rgion, tous les problmes de la Gorgie dont je comprends parfaitement le souci de garantir son intgrit territoriale qui me semble d'ailleurs garantie par l'esprit de ce texte. Et j'appelle chacun o qu'il se trouve respecter la lettre et l'esprit pour que les dplacs et les refugis puissent retrouver leurs maisons, pour que les morts inutiles, a cesse, pour qu'il y ait moins de souffrance, pour que dans le calme la Communaut internationale puisse apporter des rponses l'aspiration la stabilit, la scurit et la paix. Etre ici avec Bernard Kouchner en Gorgie a a un sens, a a une signification, l'Europe ne peut pas tre passive, l'Europe doit exprimer une volont politique, c'est ce qu'elle fait en ce moment. Je ne vous dissimulerai pas la difficult de l'exercice, tant les tentions sont fortes et depuis fort longtemps dans cette rgion du monde j'ai trouv les interlocuteurs, Moscou et Tbilissi, prts a faire un effort au service de la paix, et c'est a qui comte. Je ne me fais aucune illusion, il y a encore bien des heures de discussion, bien des malentendus, bien des incomprhensions, Bernard Kouchner se prpare une longue journe demain, s'il le fallait moi mme je rendrais compte aux chef des gouvernements et chefs d'Etats qui ont soutenu la dmarche de la Prsidence, c'est une action collective que nous avons engage, je suis heureux qu'elle puisse se terminer positivement.

Journaliste: - Monsieur le prsident Sarkozy, vous avez dit que l'Europe devait exprimer une volont politique, nous avons vu qu'il n'y avait pas rellement un front uni europen, premire question est-ce que cela vous a gen dans vos ngociations, est-ce que ventuellement a ne peut pas remettre en cause quelque part l'accord qui n'a pas t donc sign mais qui va tre signer donc ce soir?

- Attendez, cet accord engage ceux qui l'ont accept, et cet accord permet la prparation d'une rsolustion qui sera depose, je veux dire, le retrait des forces militaires gorgiennes dans leurs habituels cantonnements c'est une dcision, le retrait des forces militaires russes sur les lignes antrieures c'est une dcision, et sur cette base nous allons prparer un document juridique, chacun est engag, j'ai l'accord de tous les protagonistes, oui, les discussions techniques vont s'engager demain, parce que le document general de rsolution sera bien sur plus comlet et plus large, mais se fera sur ces bases, vous dites que l'Europe n'a pas t unie, je ne l'ai pas senti comme a, il y a des sensibilits diffrentes en Europe, dues l'histoire de chacun des peuples europens, mais tous nous voulions la paix, tous ont soutenu la dmarche de Bernqrd Kouchner et moi mme de venir Moscou et de venir ici, en Gorgie, tous sont au courant du document que nous ngocions, dans les expressions il peut y avoir des diffrences de sensibilits encore une fois, et demain Bernard Kouchner prsidera le Conseil des Ministres des Affaires trangres et j'imagine que ce qui est accept ce soir par le prsident Saakachvili et ce qui a t accept il y a quelques heures par le prsident Medvedev, je ne vois pas au nom de quoi un partenaire europen qui veut la paix le refuserait, parce que quelle est l'autre solution, la poursuite de la guerre, la poursuite du conflit, ca c'est pas acceptable, voil ce qu'on a essay de faire, est-ce que nous avons t gens? Absolument pas. Je dois dire d'ailleurs que je n'ai qu'a me rjouir du travail collectif qui a t fait en Europe, mais je voudrais dire autre chose y compris avec nos amis americains, ils sont au courant de l'action que nous avons mene, ici et Moscou, et nous tions au courant des prises de positions fortes qui ont t les leures, nous avons agi collectivement en Europe et en transparence avec nos partenaires. Maintenant il faut pas que chacun attend de l'autre un effort, il faut qu'on fasse ensemble tous les efforts, et l'UE apportera sa garantie, les combats doivent cesser, chacun s'y est engag, et maintenant c'est devant l'opinion international chacun est face ses responsabilits et face la parole qui a t donne, et la prsidence franaise est en quelque sorte tmoin de la lettre et de l'esprit de l'accord, et c'est pour a que je me suis permis de le commenter pour bien expliquer ce qu'avait t le contenu de nos discussions. Voil, je crois pour tous ceux qui souffrent, c'est une bonne nouvelle. Maintenant restons vigilants, restons concentrs et surtout restons volontaires, je vous remercie et avec l'autorisation Saakachvili je ne verrai que des avantages pouvoir retourner en France, mme si l'hospitalit gorgienne, si j'ai bien compris se renouvellera cette fois-ci une heure plus convenable pour arriver dans la capital de la Gorgie, je vous remerci.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia