The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held extended government session in Kakheti region


An extended session of Georgian government was held in Kakheti region, village Lopota. The President of Georgia chaired the session.


We have decided to hold the session at Lopota Lake.

Most members of the Government not only have never been here before, but they don't even know that such a beautiful place exists in Georgia.

Several places existing here will turn into the centers of attracting the tourists. The Soviet Union classified attractive territories for tourism, but they forgot about the rest.

Kakheti is one of the regions in Europe having certain potential in tourism. There are several climate zones here. When Gombori road construction is finished, it will take only an hour to get to this beautiful place from the capital.

The vintage held this year was the best. If our tourism develops in the right direction Kakheti wine will be sold throughout Georgia.

From next year on vintage must turn into a celebration and we must arrange cultural events.

I have met Eliso Virsaladze recently.

She wants to restore a tradition of Telavi Music Festival. Ministry of Culture must get ready to build a theatre here. We have to do our best to help the musical school of the theatre.

We have many very interesting ideas and a working plan. The ministries of Agriculture, Economy and Culture must work together to receive many tourists next autumn.

We have overcome the most critical period of the economic crises. Economy got stabilized and certain activities are felt in a number of sectors.

When we were hit by the war and crises for months running we didn't have anything to open, but the time has come when a lot is being opened.

During a month the sale of new automobiles increased significantly. The reserve funds of the National Bank are two times more than last year.

Now it is very important to for the private sector to wake up and start investments. The crises have been overcome by energetic activities of our government.

We managed to initiate an act of freedom.

I want to offer several new initiatives that will assist the stimulation of the private sector.

It is important for the business to create money flows. Together with the Prime Minister we have decided to pour 35 million more into the pool that drives economy.

This year it seems possible that VAT can exceed160 million. Tax office got active in general and the fact that Georgian budget didn't collapse can be ascribed to it.

Tax Code must be refined in order not to give state bodies to use it in a wrong way.

In our country taxes are far less than in other countries. The representatives of tax office should be much more qualified.

All his positions must be better proved. In order to increase credibility of business it is important to avoid closing down the businesses.

The Minister of Finance must decide whether to close or not this or that business. This will raise the degree of responsibility a lot.

We expect much more active involvement of tax agencies. I task you to discuss these new initiatives today.

Yesterday I spoke with the legendary entrepreneur Hippy. The Hippy brand is produced in Georgia today.

Whoever wants to get a job today, especially in the sphere of agriculture there are very important perspectives.

More then 200 thousand sheep were sold in the countries of Persian Gulf.

Maybe someone will say that this government made people run out of the country and now sheep followed them, but I want to tell you that in the last five years much more people returns to Georgia.

My foreign friend tasted Georgian fruit and was shocked by its quality.

He told me he didn't know anything about it.

I want to express my special gratitude to those people who managed to hold a successful vintage in Kakheti. This is the merit of Ministry of Agriculture and the Governor of this region.

The population told me that the Governor from factory to factory. This year several political activists came to Kakheti with a false aim to resolve problems. They know pretty well and what they got as a respond. I want Mr. Kvezereli to present a list of employees to be awarded.

I want to present Orders of Honor to the Governor of Kakheti and the Minister of Agriculture.

I am proud that Bakur Kvezereli is the youngest minister.

I want to present Orders of Honor to Deputy Governor Kakhidze, Kiknadze, to the Head of Administration of Akhmeta Maisuradze, to the Head of Administration Chiriashvili and the Head of Administration of Telavi Davitashvili.

To the Head of Administration of Lagodekhi Gozalishvili, to the Head of Administration of Sighnaghi Kochlamazashvili, to the Head of Administration of Dedoplis Tskaro Baghashvili and Chalatashvili.

We must hold more dialogues with various opposition groups. I had a meeting with Christian-Democrats that have raised many specific issues in the sphere of health.

We have to be able to admit that something is right and rational for the people. I have listened to many good ideas connected with the sphere of education.

It is very important to listen and have consultations with people. Our visits to regions must continue. The dialogued with our population was very good.

Mr. Sandro are these geese more interesting than listening to me? We have to finish this session on time; otherwise geese will attract more attention.

I want to thank everyone for the dialogue", stated the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia