General James Cartwright Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili held a joint briefing


Mikheil Saakashvili

Mr. General!

I want to greet General James Cartwright Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - such a high ranking US military!

We are following recent statements made by US administration with a great interest.

One of the first meetings which was held in the period of new administration's appearance on the international arena was Joe Biden's and my meeting in Munich. We are grateful for receiving firm guarantees for the further cooperation between Georgia and US. One of the meetings, which US Secretary of State held in Europe, was with our Foreign Minister. A new meeting between Hilary Clinton and Grigol Vashadze is being planned to take place in nearest future.

I welcome President Obama's unilateral statement made a few days ago in support of Georgia in Washington. It means that what you have mentioned Mr. General that strategic partnership, which was officially signed exists, is real and a process has started.

Your visit means that in the military-political sphere Georgia and US are transferring into absolutely new high-quality stage of cooperation.

It derives from the charter that we signed in January on the cooperation between Georgia and US.

I am grateful for those warm words that you have used regarding the Georgian Army and the level of readiness of the Georgian soldiers.

A few weeks ago I met General Petreus in Munich. He said the Georgian soldiers and the level of their readiness impressed him. He at the same time noted that he would say the same words to any representative of media at any public meeting. He as well admitted that he had spoken on the same issue with the US President several times.

It is rather important for my people and me to hear it all.

Of course no Army is formed in 3-4 years' period.

It is obvious that the trainings were not aimed at such a large-scale war - these were peacekeeping - police operations, but now we are preparing the Armed Forces, which will be of different quality.

In those conditions when 20 percent of the country is occupied the risk is very high and the provocations continue, in the conditions when in the whole region the situation is very difficult no one must have illusions that Georgia will not continue to create modern high-level much stronger Armed Forces, will increase the number of the personnel, soldiers and armament, and what's most important to rise the level of readiness, in order to protect our country far more effectively.

We are at the same time going to increase our participation in the operation in Afghanistan that I have spoken to you Mr. General about and have written to President Obama. We are ready to deepen our cooperation in this direction.

General James Cartwright

Thank you very much Mr. President

I want to thank the Georgian people for a hospitable reception.

The beauty of Tbilisi is known to almost everyone. I am glad to have a chance to visit Tbilisi.

I want to thank the Minister of Defense and Chief of Joint Staff, those soldiers who I met today - who serve their country and the whole world.

President Saakashvili and I had a fruitful and important meeting today.

During the day I had an opportunity to meet the personnel of the Ministry of Defense.

Due to today's meetings and a dialogue with the President I can say that Georgia has an obligation to have peaceful relations with the neighbors.

Besides Georgia has an obligation for the membership in the NATO.

Due to the charter the US is ready to support these relations.

We will help Georgian Armed Forces in all directions to carry out reforms.

I want to thank you for this brilliant opportunity, which I was given today.

Thank you very much!

TV company "Rustavi 2", George Kepuladze:

I have a question to Mr. General. In January Georgia and US signed an agreement on strategic partnership, which includes cooperation in the military sphere. Recently your colleagues visited Georgia, will your visit and the visit of your colleagues contribute to making the decision how to help Georgia in the military sphere?

General James Cartwright

Because I understand essence of your question pretty well - I will respond. The Partnership Charter is important and we have made several evaluations concerning future plans. Due to my today's visit I have a chance to get familiar with these evaluations, talk to people on the ground and find out what are their priorities. When I return home I will do everything to bring all the documents together in order to put steps forward regarding this strategic cooperation and partnership.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia