President Saakashvili to visit Denmark, Lithuania, Finland


Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili travelled to the Kingdom of Denmark on 8 October for an official visit.

On 9 October Saakashvili will meet Danish Parliament Speaker Christian Mejdahl, as well as Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. After the latter meeting, Saakashvili and Fogh Rasmussen will hold a joint news conference. Later that day, the Georgian president will open a Georgian-Danish business forum and speak at a meeting organized by the Danish Foreign Policy Society. Saakashvili also plans to give an interview to Deadline magazine.

On 10 October, Saakashvili will meet the Prince of Denmark, His Royal Highness Frederik Andre Henrik Christian, and then travel to Lithuania for a working visit.

While there, Saakashvili will take part in a meeting of the presidents of GUAM member states and an energy security conference in Vilnius.

On 11 October the president will begin his official visit to the republic of Finland. While there, he will hold a face-to-face meeting with Finnish President Tarja Halonen. Later, the Georgian delegation and Finnish officials will hold talks in a wider format and sign a joint document. Afterwards, the Georgian and Finnish presidents will hold a joint briefing.

That same day, Saakashvili will also meet Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen and pay a visit to the Finnish parliament. Later, Saakashvili will adorn the Heroes' Cross and the grave of Finnish national hero Marshal Manerheim with wreaths. He will also deliver an address at an event organized by the Paasikivi Society. This event will be attended by representatives of Finnish political circles, foreign diplomats accredited in Finland, experts, political scientists and journalists.

On 12 October the Georgian president will speak at a joint Georgian-Finnish business forum. He will return to Georgia later that day.

Press Office
of the President of Georgia