

The President of Georgia replied to the statement by the United States Congress.

The President of Georgia replied to the statement by the United States Congress. As Mikheil Saakashvili stated, a congressional committee passed a resolution indicating limitation of democracy and reverse in the country. The Head of State spoke about the necessity of considering advice of partner countries, moreover when these countries spared no efforts during harsh times for Georgia.

“My heart died when I saw this statement. The United States Congress was supposed to pass a resolution this year saying that they were going to give Georgia weaponry, equip the Georgian Army in order to accelerate the NATO integration process. Instead, for the first time in history, a wide congressional committee passed a resolution indicating limitation of democracy and reverse in the country. Nothing like this has never happened, and this is not a newspaper article or somebody’s statement. Everything we have been doing for all these years is practically being ruined. You know that there is a Bush Street on the way to this airport. In 2008 the US sent us a fleet, scrambled aviation and this is what saved Georgia’s independence. If anyone is interested in why America is important they must know that the fact that Georgia exists today is the merit of the United States support. If American stops supporting us we will be left only with the country of Onyshenko. America wants a strong and independent Georgia but Onyshenko’s country wants dependent, weak, and a collapsed Georgia in misery. There is practically no choice – if you are saying no to one you will end up in the hands of the other.

I would like to say for those who say that Congressmen were bribed; during the visit of the last delegation to Georgia we wanted for each guest to have a bottle of Georgian wine. American Congressmen even said no to this, because they have very strict rules in terms of lobbying and fighting corruption. If they could be bought then wealthy countries would have bought them a long time ago. This is a Congress of the most powerful country, the main body of government. It is governing America and overseeing what’s happening at the same time. In this case the conclusion is very harsh” – stated the President of Georgia.

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