

Within the frameworks of students’ program The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili awarded prominent young people with diplomas and valuable presents

Today the President of Georgia has visited Shida Kartli. Michael Saakashvili observed the military hospital, which is being built in Gori and awarded military men. Officers of the Engineer Battalion and Artillery Brigade and also families of military police will inhabit the newly repaired building of the Gori Military Commissariat. 17 families got the keys from the hands of The President of Georgia. "We establish a new corpus of Georgian officers, which will never let anybody neglect it. Advantage and safety of the country is protected then, when the advantage of officers is protected", Michael Saakashvili stated. 
Also today the President of Georgia has bee present at the concert, carried out in Gori, which celebrates the termination of students' summer work. Within the frameworks of the students' program The President awarded the students, prominent in work, who took care of cleanness of Gori, with diplomas and valuable presents. Michael Saakashvili gratified the students for their work and appealed to them with the following words, "I would like to convey the warmest greetings from reservists. Reservists and those boys and girls, who worked in different cities of Georgia, the youth, who went to the patriotic banks and the people, who participated in construction of the new hospital in Gori, all of them are participants of one great festival. 

Today I have visited the new Gori hospital, which is better than similar hospitals in France, America and Holland.

Day and night fifty people work at this building. 

We have come from the gorge, from the place, where two years ago our boys were lest at protection of the byroad. To spite of our enemies, who killed them, day and night the work for paving of a new road is on. 

The people, who construct this road, are participants of a joint new movement. All of us will reach the boarders of Georgia. 

I appreciate participants of the students' program very much. It is an experimental program. 

We were interested, how many young people would come. Much more people came, than we were able to comply. 

More than ten thousand students work. It was the same in case of patriots. 

Last year as an experiment we had 15 thousand students, next year this number has doubled.

Next year we will have double-numbered students' program, so that the youth would become used to working for prosperity of their own country. 

I would like to tell you that the students' program is a guarantee of that the youth will become used to labor and also appreciate other's labor as well. 

They will not only paint and clean their own cities, but also will not give the opportunity to others to ruin, what they have made. Today Georgia is divided into two parts. 

The people who are in the position of idle observers as if they are not interested at all in great training and readiness for reunion of Georgia, but watch some football match lying on their sofa. 

The second are those people, who realize, that there are very few of us, Georgians, that large forces are struggling against us, therefore all Georgians should unite, each person should find the internal power to overcome the one, who opposes us the most. 

We are few, therefore all of us should be involved in this festival, construct the country together and unite", the President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili stated.

Communications Office
of the President of Georgia

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