

The President of Georgia visited exhibition of young inventors

The President of Georgia visited exhibition of innovative projects invented by young Georgian schoolchildren at exhibition complex "Expo Georgia" today. The exhibition was held within the frames of contest "Leonardo Da Vinci" initiated by the President of Georgia. Inventions and models were presented by the schoolchildren from 7th, 9th, 11th and 12 grades.

"We can say without any exaggeration that all what happens here is the major reform that we are carrying out in the sphere of education. If our children wouldn't learn from the very childhood what does thinking and competition mean, if they wouldn't think how we can improve our lives on the daily basis and how to excel others - our neighboring and foreign countries, schools next to us, parallel classes and to do something outstanding - we will not develop. There are so many talented people in Georgia, but during these years they had no chance to express their talents. We had centers of young technicians before, Olympiads were held, but during certain period of time everything had stopped, even special schools were annulled... Now everything is restored, among them schools. In every school there must exist inventor's centers - it doesn't have to be in a formal way, but for real. We give them labs, manuals, computers switched in Internet - all the rest depends on their talent. The function of the State is to open a way to the talented nature of people. All of you saw how talented our children are. This is really an exceptional generation and we are proud of what we see here.

We increased financing on technical subjects. Sure we need philologists, history and specialists of many other occupations, but if we will not be able to have our own production, if we will not invent something by ourselves - we will not reach success. I also understand that many people got irritated by this, but it is obvious that encouragement of technical subjects is necessary for the success of Georgia. Many States followed example of reforms carried out by us. This is why Georgia will become an innovator in this regards as well", Mikheil Saakashvili stated.

The winner of the competition will go to Britain, holder of I place will receive 5 000 GEL, II place holder will get - 3000 GEL, and the III place holder will get - 2000 GEL.

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