

The President of Georgia made a comment regarding the new project of the Constitution

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, today made a comment regarding the project of the new Constitution of Georgia and pointed out that the new Constitution complies with all the international standards and European traditions. Mikheil Saakashvili expressed his gratitude to the Head of the Parliament and the members of the Parliament for their fruitful work, as the Parliament took into account all main recommendations of the Venice Commission. The only issue that the Parliament of Georgia did not accept was decrease of the Presidential authority.        

"I think that the Parliament acted absolutely in a proper way when they decided to wait for the final conclusion of the Consulting Body of the European Council - the Venice Commission - what our Constitution should be (though we had no obligation and many countries do not accept recommendations, when it comes to the fundamental law) and to voted later. Georgia has many ambushed people outside our borders and it is quite possible that unfair people could use this fact inside our country. The conclusion was ready today and I want to note that all the paragraphs of this conclusion are taken into account besides the only issue. In accordance with the conclusion the Parliament should decrease the President' rights, but by the Parliament' decision in the current circumstances it is inadmissible to smooth over the rights of the President of the country that faces so many challenges, as it is done in most of the European countries. The main thing - the recommendations and the European principle are taken into consideration. From today on the Government will not be staffed unilaterally by the President who has a 5-year guaranteed term of ruling the country, and can regroup the Government as he wishes, it will be done by the Parliament elected by the people. The legislative body will be much more accountable to the people and the Government will be accountable to the Parliament. This will make the work of successive Governments and Prime Ministers who will work in the conditions of the new Constitution in future, very difficult. Finally, based on the interests of the country, this is a correct model. Therefore, I think that Bakradze and others acted wisely to wait for the final conclusion, as I, personally, heard senseless talks - as though did not take into consideration the recommendations received. Now everybody has to give us time to work to make our country look proper. We have to stop senseless debates. We passed trough turmoil, attempts of internal rebellion military coup, numerous destructive activities of internal opponents and direct military aggression of a foreign country, not to mention embargos and other provocations. . .  Give us time to work at least now, when so many people live in hardship, many people have to find jobs, so we have serious social problems in the country (and this is natural) and I do not think that we must not spend two-three years on senseless debates. We will have to use this time to make everyone's living conditions better. All the above mentioned is related to the Commission. From today on, they really will have no arguments. We agreed the Venice Commission in all main issues", - the President of Georgia stated.   

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