

The Presidents of Georgia and Armenia made joint statements

The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili:


It is a great honor for us to welcome you to Georgia.

First of all, I would like to note that the relations between Georgia and Armenia have never been at such a high level.

This fact is worth mentioning, because the relationship between these two countries has never been so intense; neither during the times of the Soviet Union nor in any other epoch.

This year, more than 600,000 citizens of Armenia crossed the border and visited Georgia. This means that the majority of the Armenian population visits our country on regular basis.

I would also like to say that very important steps have been made to simplify procedures.

Our friendship has been tested throughout time.

I will never forget my visit to Armenia two years ago, several months after the 2008 August war. Armenia morally supported us.

I am glad that our negotiations have reached the last stage, after which crossing each other’s borders will be extremely simplified.  

We have built border crossing points, but in addition we are opening more border check points. The Armenian side is also building such facilities.  We have made it easier to inspect our citizens, but a person crossing the border will be checked only once in the future.

Now we are working to simplify it more, so that people do not have to get out of their cars in order to cross the border.

In short, the situation, in which people had to wait in a line for hours firstly on one side of the border then again on the other, will no longer exist. The bureaucracy will practically be eliminated and our borders will become as transparent as the border of Switzerland and France and of many other European countries.

By the way, it needs to be said that we have a similar system at the border of the Republic of Turkey, and it works quite well.

I hope we will create a more sophisticated system at the Georgian-Armenian border.

We basically don’t have any problems in terms of our bilateral relationship.


Our Ministers visit each other almost every month as well as many other working groups which are trying to deal with the issues regarding the development of our countries. This is related not only to inter-state relations, but every other issue as well. So I think that this relationship is exemplary not only in terms of our region but on an international scale as well. It is one of the best types of relationship that neighbors can possibly have.

In addition, I want to tell you that our origin is based on the concept of the united Caucasus. I’m sure that every conflict in the Caucasus was imposed on us by the imperial power, the main principle of which is: “Divide and rule”.

Creating a united economic space and the prospect of creating a united political commonwealth corresponds to the interests of every Caucasian country and their peoples. This will happen because small countries have no alternative.

It’s absolutely clear that there is no alternative for our small countries, our people and this concerns every country in the Caucasus. So, I am sure that every conflict which was imposed on our countries falsely will sooner or later be decided. I think this will happen much earlier than anyone can imagine. The less that external forces interfere the easier it will become to find our common language, and the quicker we will be able to integrate in the common European space and in the region.

We are member countries of the Eastern Partnership which was created after the 2008 August war with a clear aim of getting closer to Europe, as well as developing alongside the commonwealth of its countries.

I think that our visions about many issues are identical.

I would like to specifically thank Serzh Sargsyan – without his personal effort, it would have been difficult to develop relations between Georgia and Armenia.

We have had a long and very close working relationship with him since the days when he was one of the members of the government of the Republic of Armenia.

This relationship is based not only on improvement of the environment among countries, but first of all on the personality (which has no less importance) of the current President of Armenia.

If not for this personal factor, his fiery passion, many issues would not have been solved so quickly and our relationship would not have been so good.

If not for his personal contribution, the relationship between our people would not have been so smooth and problem free.

We are also observing, with great pleasure that Armenia is trying to make changes within the country and is working on improving the economic and political climate.


It’s very important for us to see internal political stability, internal political cooperation in Armenia as well as to see the country become stronger, developed and self-confident.

President Sargsyan is already working on these issues so that Armenia can stay as reliable of a partner for its neighbors, as it is for Georgia today.


So, Mr. President, I’m glad to welcome you once again.

For us this is not an ordinary visit - this is a visit with an old and reliable friend.


The President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan

Dear friends!

I am glad to have an opportunity visit my fraternal Georgia and meet President Saakashvili.

I would like to greet and thank him for the cordial reception.

Each of our visits, including the today’s visit, is proof that the relationship between the two neighboring countries has further deepened.

I would also like to confirm that there is a special friendship and mutual respect between our nations.

Our relationship has become more active and intense this year.

I greatly appreciate and agree with Mikheil Saakashvili’s opinion regarding the fact that the new dynamics can be noticed in the relationship of our countries recently.  

We had a number of high-level visits in which the economic, energy, transport, legislative, and border security issues were discussed between our sides. We’re also cooperating in the defense sphere.

Visits like this will continue in the future as well.

Several days ago our Prime Ministers participated in the 9th session of the Intergovernmental Committee held in Batumi.

We planned several other events today and many tasks will be implemented while cooperating mutually.  

After signing the agreements today, our relationship moved to a completely new dimension and reached the highest level.

We greatly value the agreement, which envisions cooperating in border and safety spheres.

We are also trying to facilitate a partnership between border services of the two countries.

Our relationship is not limited by this and we continue to cooperate in many issues.

Existential conditions of our countries are closely related, which tells us that our relationship should be peaceful and equal.

Trade relations between Armenia and Georgia have a great importance.

If we take a look at the statistics, we will see that the flow of goods between our countries has increased by 20%, but it is not enough. We consider this as a very low rate for Armenia, as well as Georgia.

When we resolve the necessary issues of development of our countries, the relationship between Georgia and Armenia, in terms of economic and academic integration, will reach a higher level.

The priorities of our countries cooperation are defined and include economic, transport, and energy fields, but cooperating in the cultural sphere is also very important.

We are planning to start building a highway connecting Batumi and Ninotsminda over the next few months. Such a step will increase the transport stream towards the Georgian seaports.

We already know what the roads, which are in full compliance with the European standards, mean for Georgia.

I think the Armenian citizens will also witness quick infrastructural development.

We would also like to synchronize our energy links and resources. Armenia and Georgia are basing their cooperation on brotherly relations, so that the lives our peoples become much more secure. This should give us an opportunity to deal with the challenges and threats that the whole region is facing. We are trying to make practical steps in this direction.

Of course, I agree with Mr. President that only through cooperation and mutual understanding will we reduce the tension in the region and we will have improvements in terms of regional conflicts.

During the negotiations I noted that every time I visit Georgia, I feel that your country is always ready to expand the number of its contacts.

Leaders of our countries have been meeting over the years on a regular basis; not only to deal with practical and pragmatic issues, but also to show the younger generation a high level of cooperation between the two neighboring countries.

I would like to say that Georgia is promoting an excellent basis for our relations.

Mr. President I would like to once again note that in order to reach a higher level of development, several important issues need to be addressed and in this sense we have had considerable progress this year.

I would like to thank you once again for such a friendly atmosphere and your hospitality.

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