

President of Georgia Gave Start to Mass Constructions in Anaklia


I greet you all.  

It is a very happy and important day today, as after the very successful project of Kobuleti we start mass construction of the pearl of our Black Sea coast - Anaklia.  

You know that several tens of applications were entered in Kobuleti and 12 hotels are already being constructed very quickly (we passed through there today and saw it with our own eyes).   

We presented you the projects and as you know, our promise remains valid. Namely, the State shall give investors the land for free; provide all the utilities including electric power, natural gas, water supply, sewage; we make a new road that will come from Poti, along the Black Sea cost, directly to this place.        

In several minutes of way from here, we start today construction of Anaklia-Zugdidi Airport. In one word, high level road will be made here. We also are going to have the Airport, all the utilities. In addition, we are bringing closer sulfur and other healing waters that are 3 kilometers away from here.   

Also, investors and all those who construct a hotel, after we give everything free of charge, under the constitutional law will be free of profit and property taxes for 15 years.     

Nowhere in the world are there conditions better than these. However, places like these are very few too. You saw what a wonderful hotel is being constructed.     

Yacht club that will enter Enguri is being made as well. Next to Enguri very nice tourist complexes are constructed - hotels and restaurants, in summer the prettiest pieces of art will be installed here.      

Yacht that comes from the sea will stop right in front of the hotel. And after this hotel, hotels will be constructed in accordance with the projects presented here.   

All the projects will be free of charge - we pay the cost of design in order for somebody to come and construct!  

I also want to say that those, who construct more than 100 room hotel, and one such is already counted, will be free of casino license duty. This also can be received for free. I. e. they will get for free mineral waters, permit for casino operation and everything else.     

You just employ the people, build this place, make it nice, and we will assist you. Let us bring here all Georgia and the other entire World next year and show them our miracle.  

I want to say that only one hotel works here now with total load and the best meals, the best beaches and the best service is in Georgia, you have seen it yourself, is here.  

You know that some time ago Enguri heavily damaged beaches here and we start shore protection works as well in Anaklia. Divers are working on this as well.    

Beach will be widened here for 70-80 meters. This means that another one third will be added to the existing beach. In former times diminution of Anaklia beaches happened and this was one of important problems. This will not happen from now on.   

Another main condition is that all the constructional works shall be over in 18 months. The deadline for contract conclusion is till the end of January, but I want to tell everybody: hurry up, the space is too small!    

The projects, developed by us are not numerous. All the projects individually are very good, since they are designed by good architects.  

In spring of 2012 tourist season with its entire unified complex shall be in full swing - including going up to Mestia and skiing in summer. One needs only 20 minutes to fly from the Airport to Mestia.   

All this shall be finished by summer of 2012.  

I think, locals do not have to be reminded, they do everything very fast. This is our character.  

The Prime-minister, the Minister of Infrastructure are here and all our promises, of course, will be valid.    

I congratulate you with the beginning of such important activity. Now we all have to get ready to start working.  

Thank you.

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