

8/31/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKSHVILI AWARDED THE CHIEF GO THE POTI POLICE WITH THE AWARD OF VAKHTANG GORGASALI Today the President of Georgia Michael Saakshvili awarded the Chief go the Poti Police Irakli Jikia, wounded during an operation of detention of an arrant thief, with the award of Vakhtang Gorgasali. Michael Saakshvili gratified Irakli Jikia on behalf of ...
8/31/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI INAUGURATED THE BORIS PAICHADZE NATIONAL STADIUM IN FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE I would like to greet everybody from the renovated National Stadium. Today we have already got one of the best stadiums in Europe, which we have constructed, beautified all together, and shall beautify even more. Today I am here together with our football...
8/31/2006 President Saakashvili visits School # 87 President Mikheil Saakashvili and the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia, Alexander Lomaia, visited school # 87 on Ketevan Tsamebuli street to see the ongoing repair works there.President Saakashvili said that by the end of his first presidentia...
8/30/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI WAS PRESENT AT THE GOVERNMENT MEETING Good day!The pension system of Georgia needs to be reconsidered. It does not matter about what sum we shall speak, but it will not be adequate for people's requests anyway. In order to have real European pensions in Georgia a serious preparation and incul...
8/28/2006 The President of Georgia Mikheil Saakshvili has awarded Senator McCane with the Order of Saint George On the 27th of August the President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili came to Gonio together with American senators, where he awarded senator John McCane with the Order of Saint George. It is necessary to emphasize that Mikheil Saakshvili awarded the Preside...
8/27/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI INAUGURATED A NEW BUILDING OF COURT IN MTSKHETA TOGETHER WITH AMERICAN SENATORS Today the delegation of the Senate of the United Stated of America, led by John Mac Cane, visiting Tbilisi, came to Mtskheta together with the President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili.Michael Saakashvili inaugurated the new building of the Mtskheta Court ...
8/27/2006 ELECTIONS TO THE INSTITUTIONS OF LOCAL GOVERNING WILL TAKE PLACE OF THE 5TH OF OCTOBER, 2006 After consultation with the chairman of the parliament of Georgia and taking into consideration the positions of different political organizations, the President of Georgia Michael Saakshvili made a resolution to carry out the elections to the institution...
8/23/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili inaugurated the Batumi State Circus The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili came to Adjara and inaugurated the renovated Batumi State Circus. The President appealed to the children, gathered in the Circus, and congratulated them with the new circus.The same day in Batumi the President ...
8/22/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili was present at inauguration of the Sachkhere Military Base I would like to welcome everybody.I would like to welcome our guests, the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee of America Senator Richard Lugar, our friend, the Deputy Defense Minister of France Mister D'Amecourt and other foreign guests!Tod...
8/17/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has surveyed the zone of natural disaster Today the President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has gone to the zone of natural disaster in the Adigeni Region. He was present at the meeting of the fire-prevention headquarters, personally talked to foreign consultants and after survey of the arisen s...
8/15/2006 SPEECH OF THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKASHVILI AT THE MEETING OF THE GOVERNMENT Good day,The government of Georgia is in good form but for several rare exceptions and it is good. We have begun this day with the camps of reservists not casually. I was personally pleased to spend several days at a camp of reservists, from which I retur...
8/12/2006 Within the frameworks of students’ program The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili awarded prominent young people with diplomas and valuable presents Today the President of Georgia has visited Shida Kartli. Michael Saakashvili observed the military hospital, which is being built in Gori and awarded military men. Officers of the Engineer Battalion and Artillery Brigade and also families of military poli...
8/10/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili is at the Osiauri battalion For one week The President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili is at the Osiauri battalion. Michael Saakashvili spends his leave in conditions of reservists.The Commander-in-Chief is excited with training of reservists. According to him, all the people are obl...
8/5/2006 President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, made presentation of the new project of economic development of Georgia Dear compatriots!I decided to address you today about our plans and future views. I was meeting with world leaders during last few weeks, but the most important meeting is the meeting with you-with thousands of my fellow citizens. We have advisors who are...
8/3/2006 The President of Georgia Michael Saakshvili visited Kutaisi Today the President of Georgia Michael Saakashvili has come to Kutaisi and observed the works carried out at construction of the Christmas Church.He has also viewed summer work of students-participants of the employment program at the Avtokarkhana Settlem...
8/1/2006 THE PRESIDENT OF GEORGIA MICHAEL SAAKSHVILI WENT TO POLAND WITH A BUSINESS-VISIT Today the President of Georgia Michael Saakshvili went to the Republic of Poland with a two-day business-visit. On the 2nd of August Michael Saakashvili will meet his colleague Lekh Kachinski, after that the joint briefing of two Presidents will take plac...
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