
Georgia in World Media

FOXNEWS had an interview with President of Georgia 

Neil Cavuto's show - Your World; 23 september, 2011

Neil Cavuto: We've got this debt crisis slamming Europe and in the middle of all of this mess, would you believe that
there is a European economy actually growing at a pretty good cliff. At a very good cliff, - Georgia.

Mikheil Saakashvili: Very nice to be back in your show

Neil Cavuto: I know they were tempting you. That is the Europeans, to join the European Union to join their elite club, you were always leery.

Mikheil Saakashvili: Well, actually we need to join Europe for all the political, cultural civilization reasons, because where we are in that region, I mean Georgia culture is very European. It the oldest Christian country; we have been Christians since 4 century

Neil Cavuto: But you haven't joined them. Why not?

Mikheil Saakashvili: Well, we are in the process, however, of course we are worried by what happens, you are right this year we will be growing not even 4 percent, my prediction would be almost 6 percent, maybe more than 6 percent.

Neil Cavuto: Which may be the reason why they want you.

Mikheil Saakashvili: Unless the world economy will go to hell anyway, but Georgia has done it, because we have number of solid foundations. We have the second lowest corruption rate in Europe, we used to be one of the most corrupted in the world, we are second safest country in Europe and our capital is the safest in the Europe. We used to be totally crime region. We are easiest place to do business in eastern and central Europe. Precisely because we cut regulations we diminished the government. We decreased the taxes.

Neil Cavuto: look to your border, Russia. Vladimir Putin reasserting himself. Should we be worried?

Mikheil Saakashvili: Well, Russia is going through a very, very turbulent period and the main motto they have right now, there are no reforms. Be assertive, that the perception they have now that the West and America might be overstretched in other areas. That's the time that the whole area of former Soviet Union is up for grabs.

Neil Cavuto: So, they feel more confident?

Mikheil Saakashvili: Yes. But as I said, you know, I saw a recent poll that 24% of Russians want to leave that country for good. You look at them and you look at us. I see lots of Russians who would despite the fact that official government of Russia totally hates Georgia, they occupy 20 percent of our territory, the expelled half a million people from their houses and Putin decided one day, that it's no longer their home.

Neil Cavuto: Putin threw military helicopters at the time, and tried to kill you. But now, I mean what are your relations like with Russia?

Mikheil Saakashvili: As I said they don't recognize our government, they don't allow people to go back to their homes. They don't recognize even Ceasefire agreement that they themselves signed, they occupy part of our territory and officially it's called by US government by US congress as official illegal for military occupation. But at the same time there is the group of thinking people in Russia, educated people, upper-middle class, people who want to see entrepreneurship developed and free market and democracy

Neil Cavuto: They seem to be losing huh?

Mikheil Saakashvili: They seem to regard Georgia as a model. My hope for Russia is, I mean, to paraphrase president Obama, in short, I think Russia will get worse, before it gets better.

Neil Cavuto: But today Russia assumes that Europe's going to get worse before it gets better. And they are going to take advantage of that? Are you worried?

Mikheil Saakashvili: I think the main message is obviously there is the problem with Europe, and there are certain problems with America. But I think my main take on in this situation is that, no matter what they say are problems in America, the American leadership in the world is still unchallenged. And America will pull together its forces.

Neil Cavuto: Do you think we will get out of it?

Mikheil Saakashvili: I'm sure America will get out.

Neil Cavuto: You think we will get out of it with President Obama or someone else?

Mikheil Saakashvili: I think American people will get over the whole situation, will overcome and ultimately, an America will stay as the ultimate force for good and remain the only power in the world that's absolutely unchallenged that has the power to you know change the world for the good. Including countries like Georgia who believes the very much the same ideals - as America. Europe will follow the American suite. Europe on its own cannot really be successful. And by the way, I think one of the lessons this crisis is teaching everybody: people should stay together. Those people who have the same ideals and same way of life, they should not look for separate solutions. And then what happens in America will be decided. The sooner America overcomes problems, the sooner it will be better for all of us.


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